Hope for Animals, WWF ๐Ÿผ

  “World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)” is a nonprofit environmental organization that was founded in Gland, Switzerland in 1961. This organization is one of the most famous environmental institutes that work, volunteer, donate, and campaign for nature and endangered animals. At first, WWF referred to “World Wildlife Fund”, but the only US and Canada have maintained the original name, and organizations in other nations changed to nowadays’ due to the unclear meaning of the first name. In this organization from over 100 different countries, 5 million people try to sponsor the organization and conserve living organisms and natural environments around the world. Since it was founded, about 13,000 environment projects have been conducted or progressed and about 10 billion dollars has been funded.

There are two purposes up to 2050:

  1. Diversity in living things

  • Conversing regional ecosystems and several types of animals to make every humanity and nature stable for a sustainable future.

  1. Ecological footprint

  • Limiting the ecological footprint which humans produce to where the Earth can afford

  • Sharing the natural resources within a fair method

To make them come true, WWF is having cooperation that combines environmental campaigns, high political policies, and conservation of nature. Moreover, to focus on human efforts, WWF tries to reduce CO2 which comes from consuming water, food, fiber, and lumber.


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