Global Climate Strike for Future 🧑🎓
As climate change gets worse, more and more people are aware of the seriousness. Last year, people, especially teenagers, worked hard for the change in the climate which is occured due to people’s activities. Starting from 2018, from 180 countries, students held protests for the change and direct behavior from leaders of the countries. Teenagers placed at the first line and with the ‘Fridays for Future’ slogan, they announced and shared the seriousness of the climate change in that year. That was the biggest world climate demonstration. It changed people’s perspective from recognition of climate change. Moreover, the leaders also realized the seriousness and participated with this flow. They shared the opinions to solve the causes and damages from climate change.
This strike is from the Sweden climate activist. Greta Thunberg started the global climate strike in 2018 alone. He started lonely, however it became bigger and bigger as the supporters became large. They also spread into various countries. They directly requested COP26 to behave strongly. With this flow, the 420 countries in Germany started the strike later, and it made the boom in the global climate strike.
Following this flow, Korean teenagers also participated in this demonstration. In September, on German day, Korean students discussed the strike and the specific plans for it. They formed a climate citizen’s council to prepare it. They mainly requested new communication methods for new generations. I also realized the seriousness, but I didn’t know the direct effects of the climate change that I’ll get later. After the strike and protest, I firmly realized the seriousness and the need for leaders to behave quickly and prettily.
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