Endangered animals in 2020 🌍🐾

As the environment is getting worse and changing a lot, not only people but also animals are suffering the damage. In conclusion, all these victims, several animals are to be damaged which isn’t allowed to live in the world. Therefore, there are lots of endangered animals in the red level. There are several levels to distinguish endangered animals. According to IUCN, the endangered levels are  divided into 7 levels : extinct (ex), extinct in the wild (ew), critically endangered (cr), endangered (en), vulnerable (vu), near threatened (nt), conservation dependent (cd), and least concern (lc) IUCN is the organization working in the field of nature conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. They are working for endangered animals and whole nature from a change. 

For the specific animals, there are 10 animals on the most endangered levels. They are Javan rhinoceros, vaquita, mountain gorillas, tigers, Asian elephants, orangutans, leatherback sea turtles, snow leopards, Irrawaddy dolphins, and Atlantic bluefin tuna. Some animals have never heard of it, but some animals may be familiar with it. There are many animals that have been harmed by humans, such as Javan rhinoceros that are poached and endangered by war. Also, animals living in the sea couldn’t escape from human damage. Vaquita are threatened with disappearance by fishing nets, pesticides, etc. moreover, most of the remaining animals are trapped in national parks or zoos and become tourist attractions to live their lives. Because of these actions, their decline is moving faster. After we accept and acknowledge all this, we must find a solution for animals. I think the first thing to do is to acknowledge and accept this situation. As there is opposition to zoos, there are disadvantages to many of the actions we have done. We need to recognize them and come up with solutions to find a compromise that everyone can satisfy. Let’s protect nature!


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