Behind The Development 🔨

Causes and Effects of Deforestation

In the time when humans didn’t have technologies to develop industrially, we didn’t use heavy equipment to destroy our earth even though we used resources from the earth. But, as the industrial revolution began, our earth gradually has been getting sick.

Typically, we deforested by cutting tons of woods on the earth. Because we want many lands for constructing buildings and houses, which make our lives comfortable, and for agriculture and grazing in order to eat and live, and because we need huge amounts of woods to use them as fuel, thus many lands were deforested on the earth since the industrial revolution started. On these days, those deforested lands are usually used for agriculture and grazing. People graze a lot of animals like cattles because the demand for meat has increased. Also, because people always need foods and those foods mostly are from agriculture, the lands are deforested.


According to National Geographic, about half of the lands in North America were deforested between 1600s and late 1800s. This can show how many lands humans destroyed at that period of time and this makes us be able to predict how more lands humans deforested since then. According to The World Bank, approximately 3.9 million square miles of forests were lost by deforestation since the 20th century began.

If the lands are deforested, what would deforestation affect? Firstly, it destroys habitats and foods of most species. Because most species live in the forests and they get food and resources from the forests, they will lose their houses and foods which can sustain them to survive if the forests are destroyed. Secondly, it increases the amount of greenhouse gases on the earth because plants, especially trees, supply most of the oxygen to the atmosphere which let us breathe and they absorb a lot of carbon dioxide on the earth. However, if the woods are cut down, the number of trees that can absorb carbon dioxide decreases. Then, the rate of absorption of carbon dioxide decreases and that leads to an increase of greenhouse gases.

Therefore, to sustain the earth, we need to prevent deforestation.


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