Endangered Animals: Black Rhino 🐃

Black Rhinos are in danger!

On the earth, there are so many endangered species which can become extinct in a few years. Among these animals, black rhinos are the animals which are critically endangered.

Black rhinos, which are scientifically called Diceros bicornis, are the species of rhinoceros which live in southern and eastern Africa. They usually inhabit semi-desert Savannah, woodlands, forests, and wetlands. They have hooked upper lips while white rhinos have square lips. Also, they have two horns which are used to help them to consume leaves from bushes and trees. 

Surprisingly, their population is only about 5,600 on the earth. Before the 20th century, the population was not as low as it is now. However, because many Europeans settled in Africa and hunted many black rhinos, the number of black rhinos started to decline. Even though people tried to conserve the species of black rhinos and the number of the species increased up to around 5,600, black rhinos are classified as critically endangered species in the world.

There are several reasons for the decline in the population of black rhinos. First reason that the population of black rhinos has been declining is because people like hunters poached for rhino horns. This poaching happened usually in Kenya and Tanzania. Even, because these days the demand for rhino horns is increasing, the degree of being endangered has increased. Another reason for the declining population of black rhinos is loss of habitat where black rhinos live. Because of human activities like agriculture, settlements, and infrastructure, they led to the loss of habitat of black rhinos.

Because of these reasons, we have to be aware of the fact that there are so many endangered animals that suffer from human activities. So we have to reduce harmful human activities.



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