Save the Earth! 🌎

<Save the Earth!> 🌍

Currently, the world is suffocating from diverse pollution issues regarding air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, radioactive pollution, and so on. Some direct causes of pollution are urbanization, industrialization, burning of fossil fuels, vehicle emissions, garbage waste, etc. The main reason why pollution is such a severe issue is that it leads to irreparable damage to nature and destructs plenty of crops that are essential to feed people around the world. 

Air pollution, which is a common issue that we are well aware of, is one of the most critical issues as it is a leading risk factor for our health. According to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), air pollution contributes to approx. 5 million deaths each year and tends to have a greater influence in low-to-middle income countries across South Asia and Saharan Africa.


Photos of pollution (Air pollution):

Article: Air pollution linked to increased risk of irreversible sight loss 

Source: CNN

Published Date: 2021/1/26

Writer/Publisher: Amy Woodyatt 

Content: Exposure to air pollution could lead to sight loss or eye diseases like Age-related Macular Degeneration

Why is it important: Air pollution leads to millions of casualties every year and is also linked with other health issues like stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, acute respiratory infections, etc. 

Furthermore, it is known that exposure to severe air pollution could lead to a risk of sight loss or perhaps could even increase the risk of being diagnosed with Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). AMD is known as a type of eye disease that deteriorates over time and results in blurred vision or no vision in the center of the visual field. According to some researchers from University College London (UCL), people who are exposed to certain environments in polluted areas are at least 8 % more likely to be diagnosed with AMD or show similar symptoms of AMD. An interesting aspect related to this issue is that nitrogen dioxide and oxide nitrogen are the principal pollutants that lead to macular degeneration. Particulate matter 2.5, which is composed of nitrogen dioxide and oxide nitrogen, contains many noxious chemicals (dirt, originates from construction sites, soot, smoke) and could actually move deeply into our lungs when we inhale. Thus, it can be inferred that air pollution not only influences the environment but also has a direct effect on our health, which is another reason why we should be cautious about such issues. 

Particulate Matter 2.5 (P.M 2.5): 



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